Arrival and Dismissal
Bus Stop Information
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Our school doors open promptly at 8:20. Due to safety and supervision reasons, please have your child stay in your car until 8:20.
Pre-K dismisses at 2:55 p.m. in the bus loop.
Kindergarten through 5th grade students are picked up in their respective car rider line as designated by their last name. A-L use the South loop. M-Z use the North loop. All parents must have a CarRider tag to come through the car line. If you have forgotten it, you will need to park, come into the office, show your ID and receive a temporary tag, then join the car line.
Washington Irving does not allow walk-ups for drop off or dismissal. Please stay in your car with your car tag hung from your rearview mirror, so it is easily seen by staff and our safety patrol. We currently have two staff members input numbers into our Car Rider Plus system. They are not available to input numbers for parents that walk-up to the front door. For staff to organize and escort students safely to their car and in a timely manner, we are unable to stop our routine to assist parents that walk up to pick up their children.
Parents using the North loop (L-Z last names), please do not block the bus entrance/exit. This causes district wide bus issues if busses are not on time to other schools or to drop students at their designated bus stops.
We have two walker systems – our front gate walkers and our back gate walkers. Both of these groups are led to nearby neighborhoods with a staff member. Our front walkers will exit the building from a south side door and cross Western with two staff members. Back gate walkers exit out of our west doors and are taken to the Twin Oaks area. Students must have a neighborhood address, with no bus route available, to be a walker.

Car Rider FAQs