Before & After Care

Wolf Pack (Before/After Care)

Contact Wolf Pack

Carly King


Send email to

(405) 726-4320

Kinsey Johnson


Send email to

(405) 726-4329

Wolf Pack Cell

(405) 916-4141

Call after 4:15 p.m. and in case of an emergency.

About Wolf Pack

The goal of the Washington Irving Before & After Care Program, also known as Wolf Pack, is to provide a safe, healthy, and fun environment while striving to meet the needs of your child while in our care. We offer activities that keep your child active and interested and provide assistance with homework. Wolf Pack is staffed by Edmond Public Schools (EPS) faculty and staff.

Only students currently enrolled at Washington Irving Elementary School in Pre-K through fifth grade are eligible for Wolf Pack enrollment. EPS reserves the right to limit the number of children admitted to Wolf Pack.

Before School Schedule

Students may enroll in Before School Care from 7:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. They will participate in independent play time in the gymnasium and get to choose from a number of activities including ball play, Legos, board games, crafts, reading, and puzzles. At the conclusion of Before School Care, students will either go their classroom pod or to breakfast.

After School Schedule

Students may enroll in After School Care beginning at 3:45 p.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m. At the end of the school day, students will go to their designated area to report to Wolf Pack. A teacher will supervise the completion of student homework and assist as needed. Students will follow a rotating schedule between three areas: outside, art cart, and gym.

Students will be provided a nutritious snack and a juice drink.

Drop Off & Pick Up

Students can be dropped off for Before School Care between 7:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. and picked up from After School Care between 4:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. If you need to pick up before 4:15 p.m., you must call the office at (405) 340-2210.  Students will only be released to a parent or guardian listed on their enrollment form. Student drop off and pick up is located in the North Bus Loop.


If your application is accepted for the 2023-2024 school year, you will receive a call by the end of May to let you know a spot is available.

Payment is required by the first of each month. Student absences from Wolf Pack will not be given a credit or refund. The late fee payment is $15. Payments may be made online. (Online payment does not work in Internet Explorer.)

Wolf Pack Fees

Tuition for Early Start Schools

Grades 1-5

# of days

Before Only

After Only






















Kindergarten & Pre-K

# of days

Before Only

After Only






















2024-2025 Application

Wolf Pack is available for students in Pre-K through fifth grade, but enrollment is NOT guaranteed. A waiting list is utilized throughout the year if a spot becomes available. Children currently enrolled in Wolf Pack are offered spots first. The remaining spots are then offered to those on the waiting list. You will receive confirmation of enrollment by the end of May. Please fill out the application to express your interest in Wolf Pack.