Mrs. Nick, Library Media Director
Mrs. Mason, Library Media Assistant

Welcome to the Library!

About the Library Media Center
The Washington Irving Library Media Center strives to bring children and books together. We offer many services from teaching students to become independent users of the Library to aiding in book selection. Students have the opportunity to visit the Library with their class based on the provided schedule.
Online Catalog
The database (catalog) listing all the books available in our Library can be accessed online. The online catalog is a great resource for students and parents searching for specific books, books on a particular topic, or books by a certain author.
Policies and Procedures
Book check out
Students in grades Pre-K and Kindergarten have the opportunity to check out one book per visit. Grades 1-5 may check out two books per visit. All students may keep books for a period of two weeks.
Overdue books
Fines are not collected for overdue books. Students who have not returned their books may not check out another book until their overdue material has been returned.
Lost/damaged books
It is important for students to learn to be responsible Library users. In the case that a book has been lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student/parent to replace or pay for the material. Students will not be allowed to check out additional material until the matter is resolved.