Friday, March 14th is our Annual Green Day! Wear as much green as possible to celebrate the end of the third 9 weeks!
3 days ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Annual Green Day! Friday, March 14th. Wear as much green as possible to celebrate the end of the third 9 weeks!
It's Celebrate Reading Week and we are dressing up like book genres each day! Please see the image for info on each day's dress-up categories!
10 days ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Celebrate Reading Week March 3rd-7th! Dress like a character for each genre day! Mon - Realistic Fiction; Tues - Mystery; Wed - Science Fiction; Thurs - Fantasy; Fri - Folk/Fairy Tales
Because of continued isolated icy roads in parts of our district as well as slick and dangerous parking lots and sidewalks, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Thursday, February 13th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Based on the current forecasts, we plan to be back to in-person school on Friday.
29 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Thursday Feb 13 remote learning day
Because of the predicted freezing rain creating poor road conditions overnight, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Wednesday, February 12th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Updated to reflect correct date.
30 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Kindness Week is February 10-14! Please see the image for dress-up days and more information. We can't wait to spread kindness all around the school!
about 1 month ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Kindness Week is February 10-14
Because of an increasing number of student and staff absences this week, we have made the difficult decision to close school for all Edmond Public Schools for tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled.   This decision was made in advance to give our families and staff members time to prepare. We will let you know as soon as possible how this instructional time will be made up.   We look forward to seeing your students back in class on Monday morning.
about 1 month ago, Edmond Public Schools
all schools closed January 31
Attention January Birthdays! Please refer to this infographic for details on celebrating your kiddo's January Birthday with us!
about 2 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
January birthday lunch is Tuesday, January 28th during your student's regular lunchtime.
Because of continued snowfall and roads freezing overnight, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Friday, January 10th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
2 months ago, Arin Smith
Friday January 10, 2025 Remote Learning Day
National Hat Day is Wednesday, January 15th. Wear your favorite hat to school!
2 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
National Hat Day Wednesday, January 15th. Wear your favorite hat to school!
Have a great winter break! No school Dec. 20-Jan. 6. Students return January 7th.
3 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Have a great winter break! No school Dec. 20-Jan.6. Students return January 7th.
Jingle All the Way to Winter Break! Dress up days begin December 9th!
3 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Jingle All the Way to Winter Break! Dress up days begin Dec. 9th!
Due to the threat of severe weather, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Monday, November 18. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
4 months ago, Arin Smith
remote learning day monday november 18
Attention November Birthdays! Please refer to this infographic for details on celebrating your kiddo's November Birthday with us!
4 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Attention October Birthdays! Please refer to this infographic for details on celebrating your kiddo's October Birthday with us!
If you need holiday assistance this year, fill out the Google form located in the Wolf Notes by November 18th. If you would like to sponsor a child, fill out the sponsor form in the Wolf Notes and a counselor will contact you.
4 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Holiday Assistance Angle Tree. If you need holiday Assistance fill out the Google form in the Wolf Notes by Nov. 18th. If you would like to sponsor and child fill out the sponsor form in the Wolf Notes and the counselor will contact you.
All schools will be CLOSED today, Monday, November 4. All activities are cancelled. Please stay weather aware.
4 months ago, Arin Smith
all schools closed monday november 4
Stuff the Bus is back! Bring non-perishable food items to stuff our bus and benefit Project 66!
5 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Stuff the Bus Food Drive! Nov. 4-8. Bring non-perishable food items to stuff our bus to benefit Project 66!
It's Red Ribbon Week at Washington Irving! Check out our fun dress-up opportunities this week as we learn about making good choices for our futures!
5 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Red Ribbon Week Oct 28-Nov 1. Dress up days: Monday - Inside Out; Tuesday - Disney attire; Wednesday - 50th Day of School, 50s attire; Thursday - Book Character Dress Up Day (must be school appropriate); Friday - Groovy attire
Parent University is back at the EPS Administrative Center! Meet and learn from many community partners! Thursday, October 24th, 5:30pm
5 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Parent University Safety Night, Thursday, October 24th 5:30pm, EPS Administration Center, 1001 West Danforth Rd. Presentations include: Impact of a School Resource Officer, Edmond PD; Impulsivity, Edmond Family Counseling; Mindful Technology, EPS; Fire Prevention, Edmond PD. Parents will have the opportunity to attend all four sessions if they choose. Meet and learn from many community partners!
Popcorn Days are back! Volunteers are needed for this fun day!
5 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
Popcorn Days VOLUNTEERS needed. Sign up now.
Attention October Birthdays! Please refer to this infographic for details on celebrating your kiddo's October Birthday with us!
5 months ago, Natalie Wehmuller
We're celebrating October birthdays! Tuesday, October 22 at your child's lunch time in the WI Lobby area.